Thursday, January 8, 2009

Something New

Well since I am an avid blog reader then I figured I should start my own too. I probably won't be very good at posting since nothing really exciting or interesting happens to me. Although I am pregnant and am expecting a boy. :D So that is exciting. Wow I sound really boring. Maybe my husband is right, I need to do something about me being boring. I hate admitting that I am wrong about things.


Heather said...

Welcome to the blog world! :)

Unknown said...

you're so funny- your life is just as exciting as everyone else's is :)

write about when you'll be endowed and sealed...when will that be by the way? :)

Rachel X said...

I'm still holding out. No blog for me! Not that I have anything to write about anyway. But yes, you do need a hobby, even if it doesn't involves firearms or mountains.

Christa said...

Sorry....WhaT? I fell asleep because what I was reading was so boring. ☺ Don't worry. Everyday life is what I think these things are supposed to be about. ♥

Never admit that you're wrong. It makes for such a happy and fun home life. ☺

Jillene said...

Congrats!! I hope that the crib is o.k. We will get you the changing table very soon. It will need a new pad because the one that I have is worn out after 10 years. They cost about $20.00.